500 Fans for the Summer of 2023


In the scorching summer days, refugees in Jordan face unbearable heat, often leading to serious health risks. Our "Fans for Refugees" initiative is dedicated to providing these families with cooling electric fans, tailored to work effectively in Jordan's harsh climate. These fans cost just $40 each and can be a lifesaver during the relentless heat.

Imagine the relief and comfort a simple fan can bring to a family battling the summer heat, reminding them that they aren't forgotten. Our goal is to equip thousands of families with these essential fans this summer, and we need your help.

Your contribution, no matter how small, can bring a cool breeze of hope to those in need. Join us and make a difference. Turn the harsh summer into a season of hope for those less fortunate. Your support is crucial in making this project a reality.

With your partnership, we will provide - 500 Fans.

Each Fan costs $40 USD

Total need is $20,000

Our Programs


Economic Development

We have a track record at building sustainable economic development strategies to assist families and individuals in their income generation projects and initiatives.

Our goats program is one example; where we loaned disadvantaged families a male and a female goat for a few months. Some of these families now have thriving cattle businesses and dairy production businesses.


Humanitarian Relief

For over 20 years we have had the privilege of distributing all sorts of humanitarian aid. We have distributed blankets in the winter, and cooling fans in the summer to refugees in Jordan. We have also distributed thousands and thousands of food parcels to families that are in deep crisis.

Training and Capacity Building

Our goal is to empower individual at all levels of life; emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. This is why we have this training initiative to help people realize their full potential by providing transformative training at all levels.


Trauma Healing

We want to work with those stricken by the afflictions of war; especially in Syrian and Iraqi refugees. Many of them are struggling not only financially but mentally as well. We want to stand with them and provide them with the necessary trauma healing opportunities that they need.

Medical AssistanceProviding subsidized medical assistance and free health care to impoverished families is often an answer to prayer. We want to stand with our fellow human beings in their hour of need and in the moment of crisis. That is why one of…

Medical Assistance

Providing subsidized medical assistance and free health care to impoverished families is often an answer to prayer. We want to stand with our fellow human beings in their hour of need and in the moment of crisis. That is why one of our core programs is the providing of free clinics and assistance in urgent healthcare conditions.


Your Partnership is Invaluable

Without your generous giving, our good work would not be possible.

Our Objectives

  1. Helping the poor in cooperation with associations and official organizations in and around Jordan.

  2. Providing in-kind assistance (food parcels, blankets, heated fans), during times of Crisis.

  3. Providing school bags and stationary for children of families in need.

  4. Training, preparing and empowering youth, working on developing leadership thought, providing tools and skills they need for community work and qualifying for the labor market through various programs, including practical applications.

  5. Creating projects in Jordanian villages for sustainable development

  6. Distribution of wheelchairs and medical support devices

  7. Opening and establishing free medical clinics

  8. Carrying out rehabilitation and training projects (sewing, English, computer).